Why Choose Centrifugal Casting?

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Why Choose Centrifugal Casting?

The practice of centrifugal force, the force when a body is subject to a high velocity spinning action to exert pressure onto molten metal as it is poured into a die, this method has a number of advantages over traditional static die-casting methods. 

Centrifugal force brings about an even distribution of the metal and forces gases and other impurities out of the critical section of each casting, resulting in consistent, high quality output with superior physical properties. 

By refining the operating techniques and upgrading it’s programmable machines with a number of innovative features, Gibson Centri – Tech Limited has improved still further the efficiency and productivity of a well established process.


Why Choose

Other Advantages of Centrifugal Casting are:

  • Reduction of equipment cost
  • Reduction of Manufacturing Costs
  • Extensive Life
  • Fewer castoffs
  • Flexibility

In short centrifugal casting results in longer life, reduced rejects, reduction of manufacturing costs and production flexibility.